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Michelle Hudson

Licensed Cosmetology Instructor and Master stylist.

Founder of Hidden Diamond Rich Sisters..


Michelle Hudson  also known as THE HAIR DR. is making her mark in this world.  Growing up on the eastside of Detroit is where it began for her. Michelle recalls mastering the  the art of cornrows at the age of 9, in which  her  favorite aunty Regina Steen taught her.  She soon started to offer her services to family and friends. By the time she was 11, her cousin Alicia Adams inspired her to go after her dream. With Alicia's assistance in seeking out her friends to become Michelle's clients, Michelle's client base rose considerably. It wasn't long before  Michelle's reputation grew in the community and she began working at her first hair salon at the age of 16. Along the way she encountered  bumps and bruises, making mistakes that she says could have been avoided. She has been around the world as a platform artist, teaching and assisting some of the finest names in the hair industry. She has coordinated hair shows, won trophies and a plethora of other accomplishments. She has also been a part of several mentoring programs. This POWER HOUSE is headed  for Greatness, and her passion is to bring young talented  sisters with her. Her motto is "stay tuned the BEST IS YET TO COME"

I have been going to the hair. dr. for about a year now. When i first went to her my hair was heat damaged. I loved the techniques she used to revitalize my hair. After a cut and continueing my treatments my hair has grown back longer and healthier than ever. She is one of the best if not the best stylists i've ever had.


Rockel F.


People get ready, this Hair Program is going to ROCK. Michelle Loves hair, and having fun. Put the two together and what do you get.  A HAIR SHOW!!!!!





The Hair Dr.


Valerie Bridgeforth

              HAIR PROGRAM.


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